Global Warming…man made? you decide…..

Rising sea level has been broadly cited as baseline evidence of man made global warming (Link)

Yet in one quick visual below, this looks highly unlikely…

Seems to suggest rising sea levels, which have been attributed to man and as evidence of global warming, have been happening long before man appeared…

This is just one quick example that should lead people to question and be unwilling to yield their economy, quality of life and global competitiveness with out proof. For much more, see this Zero Hedge Article with a quick handful of visuals to consider..

More recently, wildfires have been blamed on Global Warming, yet an objective review (here), strongly suggests otherwise.

Yes we care about our environment, yet we question whether global warming is manmade and whether the democratic remedies don’t make things much worse. (see green new deal links).

Worst of all there is substantial evidence the Global Warming Leaders have been lying (Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate) and have an agenda other than climate (wealth redistribution – see link above).